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Social Responses

The Institution Amigos dos Pequeninos offers four social responses: Nursery, Preschool, After-School Activities Center (C.A.T.L.), and Early Childhood Intervention (I.P.I.). 

A The Nursery social response is divided by age groups, according to the guidelines established in Normative Dispatch No. 99/89, dated October 27, which regulates the operational conditions of non-profit nurseries. This document serves as a guiding framework for institutions with similar activities but of a different nature, particularly the IPSS, which should adhere to quality service standards.

The spaces are organized as follows:


  • Infant Room –children from 4 months old until they can walk;

  • Park Rooms - from the time they start walking until 18 months, and from 12 months to 24 months;

  • 2-Year-Old Room – from 2 to 3 years old;

  • Outdoor play area.

Nursery Objectives 

  • To provide the well-being and comprehensive development of children in a climate of emotional and physical safety during their partial separation from the family environment, through individualized care;

  • To work closely with families in sharing care and responsibilities throughout the children's developmental process;

  • To effectively collaborate in the early detection of any maladjustment or disability, ensuring appropriate referral for further support. 



The Preschool social response is designed for all children aged between three years and the age of entry into the 1st Cycle of Basic Education. This social response includes the following activity rooms:


  • 3-Year-Old Room

  • 4-Year-Old Room

  • 5-Year-Old Room

  • Outdoor play area

Preschool Objectives

  • To promote the personal and social development of children based on experiences of democratic life, with a focus on education for citizenship;

  • To encourage the integration of children into diverse social groups, respecting cultural pluralism and fostering an increasing awareness of their role as members of society;

  • To stimulate the overall development of each child, respecting their individual characteristics, and instilling behaviors that promote meaningful and varied learning experiences;

  • To provide each child with conditions of well-being and safety;

  • To encourage family participation in the educational process and establish effective collaborative relationships with the community;

  • To carry out assessments for maladjustments, disabilities, and precocities, promoting the best guidance and referral for the child. 

  • Adapted from Law No. 5/97, of February 10 (Framework Law on Preschool Education). 

After-School Activities Center (C.A.T.L.)

  • The After-School Activities Center (C.A.T.L.) provides leisure activities for children aged 6 years to the age of completion of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education during available periods outside of school responsibilities. It develops through different intervention models, including support, and the development of socio-cultural, educational, sports, and artistic activities. C.A.T.L. 

  • Structure of the C.A.T.L: 

  • Four Study/Activity Support Rooms;

  • Multipurpose Room/Reception;

  • Outdoor Play Area;

  • Collective Games Field.

C.A.T.L. Objectives

  • Facilitate Social Integration: Allow each child the opportunity to integrate into society through participation in group life;

  • Encourage Goal Achievement: Contribute to each group finding its goals according to the needs, aspirations, and unique situations of each member, promoting commitment to freely chosen objectives;

  • Create a Supportive Environment: Foster an environment conducive to the personal development of each child, enabling them to position themselves and express themselves in a climate of understanding, respect, and acceptance;

  • Strengthen Family/School/Community Relationships: Promote interrelationships between family, school, community, and the establishment to enhance and optimize all local resources.

  • Provide Diverse Experiences: Offer a variety of experiences aimed at enriching personal, social, and cultural development.

I.P.I - Early Childhood Intervention 

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